A movie star

Ben Affleck
★Well, I agree with you. I think that all the more memories that you have in your life, including the bad ones, as you say, serve a purpose in terms of helping you grow and become more interesting and learn from your mistakes. Although I think if I had to prioritize my memories in order of most importance, they would probably be the memories of the people that have meant the most to me. I think one of the riches aspects of life is the other people with whom we come in contact and with whom we share our lives and experiences that are really meaningful and important to us. So I would have to say that those would be the memories that I would most dearly want to protect.
確かに どんな記憶もすごく大切なものだと思う。人として成長するためには嫌な記憶にも意味がある。過ちから学び深い人間になれる。自分の記憶に優劣をつけるのは難しいが、今までに出会った人たちとの思い出が僕には1番大切だ。人生で最も大切なのは様々な人と出会い触れ合うこと。お互いを想い合い貴重な経験を共有することだ。そういう思い出や記憶は絶対に忘れたくないね。

★Well, one of the interesting things is you never really know what's going to be the thing that changes your life. Often times, we look at these giant pivotal moments as the ones that set us on particular courses when in fact, and one of the things this movie talks about that I really believe, is that the fabric of our life is really made up of many, little tiny moments which, when woven together, create this larger mosaic that really is the essence of our life, and it's hard to pin it down to one or two moments.
何が人生を変えるかなんて誰にも予測できない。多くの場合 僕たちは、人生は重要な出来事に左右されると思っている。だが この映画でも描いているように人生は小さな瞬間の積み重ねなんだ。小さな瞬間が形作るモザイクだ。全てがとても大切だから1つに限定するのは難しい。

★I think the idea that you can control or completely shape your life is an illusion, largely. I mean our lives are, I think, a kind of result of our drives and where we want to go, and the things that happen to us. And as a result, there ends up being a kind of compromise between the two. You know, it's difficult to try to do many, many things. And some people succeed who are... excuse me... some people succeed who are very talented; some people succeed because they're lucky and it's then hard to stay there. And life is generally tricky in that regard. I think we flatter ourselves if we believe that all the good that has happened in our lives is a direct result of ourselves and not also good fortune. Conversely, all the bad things that happen to us are not completely our fault either.
“人生は自力で切り開くもの”という考え方は幻想だと思う。つまり僕が思うに人生というのは自分の欲求と周囲の状況との組み合わせだ。この2つの間に人生が存在している。1度の人生で多くを達成するのは難しく達成する人もいるが… 、様々な目標を達成できるのは運や才能に恵まれた人たちだけ。しかも同じ状態を保ち続けるのは難しい。だから思い上がってはいけない。全ての成功が努力の結果だとは言えないからね。その逆もまた真実で、全ての失敗が自分のせいとも言えない。

★It's hard to say but I think in general, I believe in respecting other people and respecting oneself and trying to make the best choices that you can, and to experience all the joy and love that life has to offer because it goes by, you know, it goes by.

Julie Andrews
★I think I have many mottos but young people ask me what advice I have for them, I say that I think good luck will quite often pass under your nose when you least expect it. But you had better be ready for the good chance, in other words do your home work.

Antonio Banderas
★My philosophy is just to ...it may be simple. It may be just to dues to love. To love for the people that is with me, my wife, my kids basically. And to love my profession. Then you can not be wrong. You can be more brilliant less brilliant, but if you're doing it for love, you' not wrong. You’re not wrong. Because then you can share that and people recognize that. Soon or later they do.

Michael Bay
★Always work hard and uh.. to have passion.

Monica Bellucci
★What do I think is...? What I think is important is to enjoy life and live day by day.

Halle Berry
★If you're going through Hell, keep on going. That's what I live by. Just keep on going.

★When I'm facing that crisis, especially in a work situation, I have learned to not really get too invested in trying to change the minds of people who feel differently. Because I find that you just spend a lot of time wasting time, you know, and that I can only be responsible for me and how I think and how I see things. And so I opt to change my focus and try to focus on people who are a bit more free-thinking and who can really see people more in the way I see people, and not really waste my time with trying to change things that are really... that are, you know, too enormous for one little person to change.

★Well, I think everybody's journey to overcoming, you know, their life's difficulties is different. Every circumstance, you know... everyone's circumstances are different. I think that it starts with a belief in yourself because so many people will tell you that you can't do something or that... they'll say "no" or they'll say it's not possible. And I think it's about having a real sense of yourself, knowing what you want, being relentless and standing up for what you believe in; I think are key things to helping anybody get through whatever crisis their facing or whatever roadblocks they're facing.

★It's really hard to say what have been the most important words. I've had some wonderful mentors in my life; some wonderful friends. Um... my mother has been a really strong influence. Um... I think the general message of what people have always told me is that, um, the only thing that would hold me back from achieving my dreams or reaching my goals would be myself. You know, that I can do whatever I want to do and don't live my life with the limits that society places on me for being, you know, a black woman or a woman of color.

★I say that so much because I hear "no, you can't" and I say, "yes, I can." "No, you can't." "Yes, I can."

Beyonce Knowles
★There are a lot of them. There are a lot of them. I think the main thing is staying humble. And bono, actually a couple days ago, just told me, um, the Devil wants the extraordinary to look like the ordinary. And that's so true, because you travel the world and you do all these things. Sometimes you get so tired, you start to resent the extraordinary and it becomes ordinary, average and whatever to you. I just always want to be able to appreciate the beautiful things in life.
たくさんあるわ。その中で一番大切にしているのは、謙虚でいる事よ。数日前にボーノがいい事を言っていたわ。「悪魔は異常な物が普通に見えるように望む」これは真実だと思う。世界を旅していろんな経験をし、時々 すごく疲れて異常な世界に飽き飽きする。私は ただ美しい物に感動して生きたいの。

Jack Black
★My philosophy is uh... the most important thing is to know what you want to do. And that sounds very simple but it's very difficult to figure out exactly what you want. And you can't just say, "I wanna be a movie star" that's too general. You have to be very specific. That's the most important thing.

Orlando Bloom
Balian's motto is “What man is a man, who does not make the world better” I think that's a fantastic motto. And ultimately I think it's about respecting human life, all life. You know, just trying to be good to people around you, because if they' re happy then your happiness will be increased too and ultimately it's just being...yeah...being conscious of those other people and people around you.

Adrien Brody
★I try to...try to uh...be honest with myself and continue to uh...listen to, listen to my...be honest and listen to the truth. I think we know...we know when we are not being honest, we know when we are making excuses, we know all these things. So it's important to know your motivation in life and what it is that you're doing and I try to um...bring more goodness in the world, not bring pain unnecessary and not contribute to the negativity that exists in this world. It's not always possible but you know that's what I always try for.

Sandra Bullock
★Uh... stay open-minded... um... and use breath mints before kissing scenes.

Tim Burton
★I just try to keep open and always try to maintain …make sure that life stays interesting. As you get older, you loose a sense of seeing things in a new way. And so, it's always good to try to see things from a new perspective.

Nicolas Cage
★My philosophy is to do unto others as I would have done to myself. So treat people with respect and kindness.

Russell Crowe
★Yeah, breathe in more than you breathe out.

Tom Cruise
★I think it's important... you know, you never know... you know, I work very hard and I also... I think it's important that you treat people well. And I think it's my, you know, my commitment to quality, and to telling a story, and I think, you know... I think that's why. And I think it's... you know, I'm the type of person I care about the people that work with me and I'm very generous with them, and in turn, they're very good to me... people are good to me. It's a love for what I do. That's why I'm here right now.
大切なのは いつも頑張って努力し続けていく事だろうね。そして周囲の人達を大事にする事も大切だと思っている。あとは僕の取り組む姿勢なんだろう。僕は作品の質にもこだわるし物語の語り方も工夫している、そういった努力をしているよ。それに加えて自分で思うに僕は仕事仲間を大切にする人間なんだ。みんなに対して寛大であれば彼らも僕に優しくしてくれる、この仕事に愛を感じているから今ここにいるんだと思うよ。

★A motto? You know, one of the things it's random acts of kindness. That's how I feel. Also, there is the joy of creating.
僕のモットー?1つは 親切な行いを積み重ねる事だろう。そして"作品作りを楽しむ"ということかな。

Matt Damon
★Well it sounds corny maybe but I would say it's probably the Golden Rule - which is "Do unto others as you would have others unto you" I think if everybody could do that the world would be a better place. Sorry to be so, I sound like I'm running for Miss America pageant.

Geena Davis
★Um, tremendous luck. Because I know so many people who are talented and they don't...you know, it's just... did you go to the right audition? Did you have the right friend? It's so hard. It's just impossible. I think nobody should try to do it unless there's nothing else they can picture doing because it's very hard.

Benicio Del Toro
★I think that may be…It's not easy to do but try not to lie to yourself.

Vin Diesel
★My motto, my philosophy to live by? I've got a lot of them. But the one that I can attest to is if you have a dream, you can make it happen if you will it to happen. The message, if you will, that I wish to share with people is that no matter where you're from, because I was from not - no money, I was from New York City where there were millions and millions of people and everyone was struggling to make it. And you can make your dream come true if you work at it, and strategize and you plan and you commit yourself. I guess overall, I guess to sum it up is if you're going to dream it, dream it; if you're going to do it, do it.

Kirsten Dunst
★My philosophy to live by? Um...I don't know if I have... I mean, try to be honest with myself and listen to myself. Because, a lot of times in this industry you loose your barometer kind of what's right or what feels right to you and you got instinct kind of goes away sometimes because people are telling you to do something. But just to ...yeah...just try to listen to myself and pay attention to everything around me.

Colin Farrell
What is my motto? Uh... carpe diem. I enjoy life. Enjoy life. I don't know if we get a second or a third chance so I figure this is the only shot I get so I'm going to have a good time.

Laurence Fishburne
★My philosophy? Well, I can sum it up by saying a poem for you. There's a famous Black American poet called Langston Hughes who wrote a poem called "Motto." In the poem, he says: "I play it cool. I dig all jive, and that's the reason I'm still alive. My motto as I live and learn is dig and be dug in return." And that's pretty much my philosophy and my mode for living.
私の哲学? 説明するのにちょうどいい詩がある。ラングストンという有名な黒人の詩人の「モットー」という詩にこういうのがある。“何事にも愛を。それがうまく生きるコツ。”私のモットーは「愛し愛され」だ。これが私の哲学だし生きる姿勢なんだ。

Jodie Foster
★You know my expression I liked was "More milk, less moo." You know like a cow, you want more milk and less moo. So, you know, more productivity and little less complaining. That's pretty much my motto.

Morgan Freeman
★Do on to others as you will have them do on to you.

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